Russell Brown

DUI Attorney at Law

Serving Santa Maria & Surrounding Areas

Available 24 Hours

Have you been accused of a Crime?


work closely with clients

listen and understand

reduce or eliminate a conviction.

Santa Maria DUI Lawyer

RBX Law, PC Criminal Defense

Are you looking for an experienced Lawyer in Santa Maria, California? If you, or a loved one, have been charged with a crime, we may be able to help.

Russell Brown, RBX Law, PC Criminal Defense, handles all criminal cases including, but not limited to, Domestic Violence, Hit & Run, DUI, DWI & Drug Offenses (see list).

Attorney, Russell Brown, provides professional legal representation in Santa Maria, California.

Our philosophy is to find out as much as we can about the facts of the case and talk to anyone who can help our defense. The stronger our defense appears to the prosecutor, the better our chances are of getting a favorable result.

Get Professional Legal Advice

If you have a legal question, concern, or would like to schedule a consultation simply fill out the form below.

If this is an urgent matter please call 805-635-7766.

Criminal lawyer Russell Brown founded RBX Law in 2022

Russell began practicing criminal defense in 2016 under the tutelage of criminal law specialist Robert F. Landheer. During that time, Russell noticed a lack of options for quality criminal defense services at a reasonable price. Russell created RBX to provide clients with a trustworthy criminal defense lawyer at a reasonable price. Our goal is to make sure that every client is satisfied with our services.

Commonly Asked Questions

Our firm is not right for you if

You are looking for a lawyer who will only tell you what you want to hear. I will work with you to honestly assess the facts of the case.

If you want to tell our law firm about your situation, you should. . .

I personally communicate with you whenever possible. If I am in Court when you call, you can leave a message. I personally guarantee you will hear back from me in 24-hours, or less – most often, much less. My office phone is 805-635-7766.

The typical cost to start working on your case is:

Most cases are handled on a flat fee basis, so you will know the total cost of your case from the beginning.

Our clients will tell you that:

My level of experience, knowledge of the law in Santa Maria, California, and personal familiarity with the judges, prosecutors, and system is a great advantage. In addition my personal and regular contact with clients, availability and involvement with every aspect of the case bring the most favorable results.

Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) %

It is illegal to operate a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration (“BAC”) of:

  • 0.08% or higher― 21 years old or older operating a regular passenger vehicle;
  • 0.04% or higher―operating a commercial vehicle;
  • 0.01% or higher―younger than 21 years old.
DUI Penalties

The punishments for a DUI include a suspended driver’s license, at least $1,500 in fines, 3 to 5 years of probation, a mark on your DMV and criminal records, at least 3 months of classes, and fees for classes.

Additional Penalties

Penalties may also include jail time, continuous alcohol monitoring (SCRAM), installation of an ignition interlock device in your vehicle, impoundment of your vehicle, and community service. The judge will probably order you to abstain from alcohol. You will need to obtain an SR-22 insurance policy in order to get your license back.

The severity of the punishment depends on the facts of your case, including Blood Alcohol Content % (BAC), prior DUI convictions, whether an accident, injury, or fatality occurred, and whether you left the scene of the accident.

Loss of Driver’s License

In California, law enforcement officers may take your license if they suspect you are driving under the influence. The DMV will suspend your license if you fail to contact the DMV within 10 days to schedule a hearing.

Russell Brown

RBX Law, PC Criminal Defense

Area of Practice

– Battery
– Criminal Defense Law
– Domestic Violence, Drug Charges, DUI Defense
– Expungements
– Felonies
– Hit & Run
– Mistomeanors


2007, UC Davis
2012, Loyola Law School


– Committee for Social Justice
– Santa Barbara Defenders


Russell Brown is from Santa Barbara, California. Russell Brown prides himself in providing high-quality, custom-designed criminal defense strategies. His clients trust him and feel secure knowing Russell is doing everything he can to help them.

Do you need a DUI Lawyer?

Every state has some sort of “driving while intoxicated” statute. The term “driving while intoxicated” is in quotes because none of these laws require that you be “drunk” or “intoxicated” to be guilty. All that is required is that your ability to operate a vehicle has been impaired to any extent at all or that your Blood alcohol level exceeds the state limit (which is now .08% in all states).

a DUI Lawyer can help. . . .

Assess your legal situation

An experienced DUI Defense lawyer can help you understand what you are up against and the fines you may be required to pay. A DUI lawyer mostly deals with DUI matters and knows the process inside and out – including options that a public defender may not tell you.

Explain the Consequences

The consequences of a DUI vary greatly from state to state and a DUI lawyer will be able to explain how those consequences in your state apply to you such as (1) harsher punishments for those arrested with BAC limits over .08, (2) special laws for underage drivers arrested for DWI , (3) possible community service or plea bargaining, (4) overlapping jurisdiction of Courts and your state’s motor vehicle licensing department to suspend or revoke your license, and (5) contingent license programs that allow you to use your vehicle to get to and from work.

Manage the process

Dealing with the motor vehicle department can be frustrating and time consuming. A DUI Lawyer can manage the process for you by completing the required forms; making phone calls; scheduling and/or representing you at a Motor Vehicle Department suspension hearing, and making other necessary arrangements.

Represent you in court

An experienced DUI Lawyer knows the ins and outs of the courtroom and may be able to obtain a lesser sentence for you if your situation and state law allows for it.

Don't Know if a DUI Lawyer is right for you? Here are some General Guidelines:


Definitely hire a DUI Lawyer if you already have several DUI and receive another; or if your DUI arrest was the result of an accident or if anyone was injured; or if you are a professional driver whose livelihood depends on keeping your license.


Seriously consider hiring a DUI Lawyer if you’ve been arrested for a second DUI (in the same or another state) or were arrested with a BAC limit over double the legal limit as harsher penalties may apply.


You might want to hire a DUI Lawyer in Santa Maria if you don’t understand your rights or DUI laws, what you need to do, or the consequences you face. You also might want legal representation if you are in a profession (or plan to be) that requires bonding or in which any criminal conviction might prevent you from getting or keeping a professional license. If you don’t know the requirements, then you need expert advice before handling the case yourself.

Natalia B.

Exceptional Legal Services

Case: Misdemeanor, child abuse
Result: fully dismissed in less than a year

There are not enough words to express the excellence of Russel’s legal services! My experience from start to finish was utterly professional. Russel’s thoughtful guidance, attention to detail, and unwavering commitment towards achieving a realistic and beneficial outcome was instrumental in my case.
His profound understanding of the law, coupled with his genuinely caring nature, puts him a level above other lawyers.
In addition to an excellent professional, Russel is also approachable and empathetic. He has a way of instilling confidence and peace during a stressful period. Listening to my anxieties without judgment and addressing them promptly, Russel invariably put me at ease.

Anita W.

5 Stars without a doubt

Absolutely thrilled with the exceptional legal representation provided by Russell Brown. From the moment I had my intake call, I knew I was in good hands. Russell goes above and beyond, treating his clients not just as cases, but as individuals with real concerns and fears. It was my first time dealing with any legal concerns, and he helped me navigate every aspect of the case and kept me updated with constant communication. With every phone call, it was evident that he never rushed the conversation. Moreover, I did not have to attend any of my court dates, which significantly eased my stress. His expertise in the field is evident, and with more than fair prices, I couldn’t recommend him highly enough. Thank you, Russell, for your outstanding service, and for achieving the best possible outcome for my case – 5 stars without a doubt!


Rebeccah D.

Very Friendly

Russell Brown was extremely quick to return my phone call and was ready to answer all of my questions and explain the plan of my case in detail.
He was very friendly and urgent and I really appreciated it. I would recommend him to all my friends and family!!


Talk to a Santa Maria DUI Lawyer today!

Contact RBX Law, PC Criminal Defense at 805-635-7766 or via email with the form above.

How Can We Help You?

At RBX Law, PC Criminal Defense, we are committed to protecting your freedom, your record and your rights. Attorney Russell Brown has vast legal experience in the fields of criminal law, personal injury and family law matters. If you are in need of serious legal representation you need an experienced attorney to help you get through this difficult time in you life. Russell Brown works hard to get his clients the best possible outcome for their situation. This is true no matter what the case may be.

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